Hari Ke-2 : Gwanghwamun Square - Gyeongbokgung - Tongin Market - Insadong - Namsan Tower


Hari ke-2 di Korea. Bangun tidur kaki saya sama temen saya kerasa sakit semua, dari tumit sampe jari-jari kaki. Ini akibat kemarin kita berdua jalannya ngoyo, maklum nggak biasa jalan kaki jauh. Alhasil bangun tidur kaki kita berasa kaku dan sakit waktu dipake jalan. Semalem sebelum tidur, kita sudah bahas mau kemana aja. Goal kita hari ini harus mengunjungi objek wisata sebanyak - banyaknya karena kemarin yang kita kunjungi cuma sedikit.

Day 2 in Korea. We woke up with sore all over our legs. Guess we overworked ourselves yesterday since we were targeting too many destinations. Moreover we didn't use to walk in long distance and lacked of exercise too. It was hurt so bad the moment I stepped down from bed. But with simple stretching it felt better.    

Bangun tidur mandi, sholat subuh kemudian sarapan. Saya bawa mie gelas banyak dari Indonesia yang saya pakai sarapan setiap harinya. Di sana di sediakan air panas dan dingin. Sayangnya nggak ada mangkok atau gelas. Adanya gelas kertas yang sekali pakai itu dan itu nggak bisa buat bikin mie gelas :D.

After a quick shower and morning prayer we ate breakfast. I brought a lot of halal instant noodles from Indonesia that I ate for breakfast every morning. In this jimjilbang, they provided us with hot and cold water dispenser. But too bad there were only small paper-cone glass that definitely can't fit my noodle. 

Waktu di depan resepsionis dan siap-siap cuss, kita ketemu dengan Ahjusshi yang baru mau masuk sauna. Ahjusshi itu ngelihat kita kayak amaze banget. Mungkin jarang kali ya ada turis nginep di sauna. Beliau nanya kita pakai bahasa Korea. Saya cuma dengar kata 'eodie' = darimana dan 'nara' = negara. Langsung saya dong Beliau nanya kita berasal dari negara mana dan saya jawab dengan bangga Indonesia.

When we were in front of the receptionist and ready to leave, we've met with an Ahjusshi who was going in. He was looking at us, absolutely amused. It might be because tourists rarely spend the night as sauna. He asked me using Korean. I only heard words 'eodie' = where and 'nara' = country. And I proudly answered Indonesia.

Gwanghwamun Square

Petunjuk Arah :
Naik subway menuju stasiun Gwanghwamun exit 1, 2 & 8 (pilih salah satu)
Direction : 
Ride subway to Gwanghwamun Station exit 1, 2 & 8 (pick one) 

Patung Laksmana Lee Sungshin / Statue of Admiral Lee Sungshin
Begitu keluar dari stasiun akan langsung disambut oleh patung laksmana Lee Sungshin yang gagah. Begitu ngelihat patung ini, yang dipikiran saya adalah "wah saya bener-bener ada di Korea" karena menurut saya ini salah satu ikon yang Korea banget. O iya saat itu di sini banyak hiasan pita - pita kuning untuk mengenang tragedi tenggelamnya kapal Sewol setahun silam. Setelah puas ngambil foto laksamana Lee Sungshin, kita maju ke patung yang nggak kalah gagah dengan patung sebelumnya, patung Raja Sejong.
The moment you were exiting the station, you will be immediately greeted by a dashing statue of Admiral Lee Sungshin. When I saw this statue, what I thought was "wow, I'm really in Korea" because I think this is one of the really Korean icons. Oh yes, at that time, there were many yellow ribbons to commemorate the tragedy of the sinking of the Sewol ship a year ago. After we were satisfied with taking photos of Admiral Lee Sungshin, we moved on to a statue that is no less dashing than the previous statue, the statue of King Sejong.  
Patung Raja Sejong / Statue of King Sejong
Saya nggak ngerti ini apa tapi unik aja / I don't know what it is but it's unique
Yang lucu, ada orang pakai pakaian tradisional Korea tiba-tiba aja hormat di depan patung raja Sejong. Saya nggak ngerti ini orang waras atau gimana. Tapi salut banget sama patriotismenya :D

The funny thing was this man wearing traditional Korean clothes suddenly salute in front of the statue of King Sejong. I don't know if this is a sane person or what. But really salute the patriotism :D
Hormat graaak! / Salute!

Istana Gyeongbok / Gyeongbokgung
Ke Gyeongbokgung tinggal menyebrang saja dari Gwanghwamun Square 
Gyeongbokgung just right accross the Gwanghwamun Square

Sampai di depan Gyeongbokgung langsung kita tunjukkan kartu sakti alias integrated ticket. Selain lebih ngirit, kita juga nggak perlu antri ke loket karena langsung menunjukkan tiket ke petugas yang berada di pintu masuk. Cukup menghemat waktu karena hari itu pengunjungnya lumayan banyak. Pergantian penjaga terjadi setiap pukul 12 dan tiap hari Selasa TUTUP.

As we reach in front of Gyeongbokgung, we immediately showed him the magic card, aka integrated ticket. Besides being more economical, we also don't need to queue at the counter because we just need to show the ticket to the officer at the entrance. Enough to save time because that day there were quite a lot of visitors. The changing of the guard ceremony held every 12 o'clock and closed every Tuesday.

Gedung tinggi modern bersanding dengan kerajaan kuno, kontras tapi indah
Modern skyscrapers side by side with ancient buildingss, contrast yet beautiful

Banyak pengunjungnya yang pake seragam, mungkin studi tour
Many visitors wear uniforms, might be students on study tour
Bagian dalam istana Gyeongbok / The inside view of Gyeongbokgung
Istana Gyeongbok ramai pengunjung / Gyeongbokgung pretty much crowded
Berbeda dengan Istana Chandeok dan Changgyeong kemarin, seperti yang terlihat Istana Gyeongbok ramai pengunjung. Ada yang menarik, di sana saya bertemu dengan 2 cewek korea yang memakai pakaian tradisional Korea alias Hanbok. Ternyata kita bisa masuk Istana Gyeongbok secara GRATIS kalau memakai Hanbok. Entah berlaku untuk istana lainnya atau tidak.

Unlike the Chandeok and Changgyeong Palaces yesterday, as you can see, Gyeongbok Palace was full of visitors.  I met these beautiful Korean girls wearing traditional Korean clothes, aka hanbok. I just found out that we can enter Gyeongbok Palace for FREE if we wear Hanbok. Not sure it applies to other palaces or not.
Singgasana Raja / The Throne of the King
Sayapun langsung minta foto bareng mereka. Saya langsung mendekati mereka sekalian ngetes bahasa Korea dikit-dikit. "Sajin Juseyo" yang langsung dijawab "neh" oleh mereka. Temen saya cuma ngeliatin saya, nggak ngeh saya ngomong apa terus saya jelasin kalau saya minta foto bareng.

I asked them to take a picture with me. I decided to test my broken korean a little bit. "Sajin Juseyo" which they replied by "neh". My friend just looked at me, didn't know what I was saying and then I explained that I asked for a picture together.
Baju saya nggak kalah ngejreng / My clothes are no less colorfull


Selanjutnya saya kembali mengeksplor bagian dalam Istana. Rasanya kurang puas mengeksplor Istana Gyeongbok karena saya harus buru-buru kembali ke halaman depan Istana karena akan berlangsung upacara pergantian istana. Saya sama temen langsung lari-larian dan berhasil nyegat yang mulia alias 'Raja Korea' dan ngambil beberapa foto.

I continue to explore the inside of the palace. I didn't explore Gyeongbok Palace quite through because I had to rush back to the front yard of the Palace because there was going to be a palace changing ceremony. My friend and I immediately ran and managed to intercept His Majesty, aka ' The King of Korea', and took some pictures.

Yang jadi raja menghayati banget >.< / The gentleman who played the King really into the character >.<
Upacara Pergantian Penjaga / Changing of the Guard Ceremony
Adegan Raja mengobrol bersama kasimnya / Scene of the King chatting with his eunuchs
Salah satu adegan saat upacara adalah puluhan prajurit dengan seragam warna - warni masuk ke area pertunjukkan. Menurut saya pertunjukkannya keren banget dan total. Lihat aja dari atribut prajuritnya. Sampe sepatunyapun sama dan seragam.

One of the scenes during the ceremony was dozens of soldiers in colorful uniforms entering the performance area. I think the show is really cool and total. Just look at the attributes of his warriors. Even the shoes are the same and the uniform.

Satu lagi yang keren, prajuritnya nggak hanya baris-baris aja tapi juga silat-silatan gitu. Sayang bagian keren waktu perang, jungkir balik dan sebagainya nggak kerekam. Raja dan penasihat juga memiliki dialog dan cara berbicara mereka juga persis seperti yang ada drama - drama Saeguk. Temen saya yang penggila drama katanya sampe merinding ngelihatnya, katanya berasa nonton drama secara live. Hihihihi. Tapi emang iya sih.

One more thing that was so so cool, the soldiers didn't just line up but also did martial arts. It's a shame that the cool parts during the war, somersaults and so on weren't recorded. The king and the eunuchs also have their dialogues and the way of speaking too just like in Saeguk dramas. My friend who is a drama enthusiast said she got goosebumps watching it, she said it felt like she watching a drama live. Hihihihi. But that's true tho.
Potongan adegan upacara pergantian penjaga / Sneak peak of the changing of the guard ceremony
Pertunjukkan ini berlangsung cukup lama, kami nggak nonton sampai habis karena itinerary kami hari ini cukup padat. Akhirnya kita cus ke tujuan kami selanjutnya. O iya jangan lupa foto sama penjaga yang ada di depan Gyeongbokgung ya :D

This show lasted quite a long time, we didn't watch it until the end because our itinerary today was quite full. Finally we continue to our next destination. Oh yeah, don't forget to take a picture with the guard in front of Gyeongbokgung, OK? :D

Tongin Market / Pasar Tongin
Petunjuk Arah :
Dari Gyeongbokgung exit 2, jalan lurus sekitar 700m, Tongin Market ada di sebelah kiri.
Directions :
From Gyeongbokgung Station exit 2, go straight for about 700m, Tongin Market is on the left.

Tujuan kami selanjutnya adalah Tongin Market. Ngapain? Makan! Hahahaha.... Seperti yang pernah saya bilang, kalau jaraknya dekat saya lebih memilih jalan kaki daripada naik subway. Di peta subway sih jarak antara stasiun Gwanghwamun dan Gyeongbokgung dekat, jadi kita memutuskan jalan kaki. Mengandalkan nanya sana-sini ke pak polisi yang ganteng sampailah kita di Tongin Market. Ada 2 pintu masuk, kalau kalian langsung ketemu sama Ahjumma dengan tumpukan nampan plastik... selamat kalian sampai di pintu masuk Tongin Market. Kalo saya kemarin ketemunya pintu yang satunya alias pintu keluar :D

Our next destination is Tongin Market. What for? Eat! Hahahaha.... As I've mentioned before, if it's close by, I'd rather walk than take the subway. On the subway map, the distance between Gwanghwamun and Gyeongbokgung stations is close, so we decided to walk. Relying on asking here and there to the handsome policeman, we arrived at Tongin Market. There are 2 entrances, if you immediately meet Ahjumma with piles of plastic trays... congratulation you have arrive at the entrance to Tongin Market. In my case, I met the other door, aka the exit so I have to go to the opposite entrance :D

Alasan saya tertarik ke Tongin Market adalah karena unik dan tradisional banget. Dengan 5.000 won, kita dapat nampan plastik dan 10 keping uang jadul yang bisa dipakai untuk membeli makanan yang kita mau. O iya nggak semua vendor makanan menerima pembayaran dengan koin jadul ini dan minta dibayar dengan tunai saaah.

The reason I was attracted to Tongin Market is because it is unique and very traditional. With 5,000 won, we get a plastic tray and 10 old coins that can be used to buy the food we want.  Not all food vendors accept payments with these old school coins and ask to be paid in cash so you need to ask them in advance.
Welcome to Tongin Market 
Koin untuk bayar dan nampan untuk wadah makanan / Coins to pay and trays for food containers 

Saya pecinta kuliner Korea jadi saya seneng banget waktu di Tongin Market sampe bingung mau beli yang mana. Setelah galau karena koin saya terbatas, inilah makanan yang saya pilih. Yang depan nampan saya yang pojok nampan temen saya. 

I am a Korean food lover, so I really enjoyed my time at Tongin Market. I was confused about which one to buy. After being confused because my coins are limited, these were the food I chose. The one in front of my tray is the corner of my friend's tray. 

Mari saya jelasin satu - satu. Yangnyeom gejang, alias kepiting kecil dibumbu pedas manis. Di Korea kalian akan sering menjumpai makanan yang dibumbu pedas manis yang berbahan dasar Gochujang seperti ini. Dan seperti yang terlihat, itu kepiting utuh dan makannya juga langsung dimakan sekulitnya. Saya suka kepiting makanya saya tertarik. Saya kira kepitingnya empuk ternyata keras pemirsa. Setelah makan 3 biji saya akhirnya nyerah.  

Let me explain one by one. Yangnyeom gejang, aka small crab with sweet and spicy seasoning. In Korea, you will often find foods with spicy and sweet spices made from Gochujang like this. And as seen, it's a whole crab and eating it whole with its shell. I like crabs that's why I'm intrigued. I thought the crab was soft/easy to bite but it shells turned out to be very hard. After eating 3 crabs I finally gave up for the sake of my teeth well being.

Kimbab adalah nasi gulung dengan varian isi. Saya harus memastikan kalau isinya cuma sayur tanpa daging/sosis/ham. Yang sebelah kiri kimbab saya adalah versi goreng dari kimbab, bedanya itu cuma nasi + rumput laut nggak ada isiannya. Kimchi-jeon alias martabak Kimchi, terbuat dari bahan kimchi dan adonan tepung. Daaaan... diantara menu saya terseliplah daging. Ini akibat mis-komunikasi sama Ahjummanya. Saya minta Gamjajeon alias martabak kentang dikasihnya malah daging dan itu udah nggak sengaja saya makan. Yang kiri pojok bawah itu adalah gurita goreng bumbu tepung.

Kimbab is rolled rice with a variety of fillings. I have to make sure that the contents are only vegetables without meat/sausage/ham (I'm a muslim for halal reason). The one on the left of my kimbab is a fried version of kimbab, the difference is that it's just rice + seaweed without any filling. Kimchi-jeon aka Kimchi fritter, made from kimchi and flour. Among the foods that I have choose carefully, this beef patty just there out of nowhere. This is due to mis-communication with the Ahjumma. I asked for Gamjajeon aka potato fritter, she gave me meat instead and I accidentally ate it. The lower left corner is fried octopus seasoned with flour.

Menu teman saya Gyeran Mari alias telur dadar yang digulung, Japchae alias bihun goreng dengan sayur. Kalo di Indonesia Japchae kan sayur itu yah. Hihihi... Namanya sama tapi beda jauh. Tteokpoki alias kue beras pedas yang ternyata bener-bener pedas nggak manis kayak biasanya. Terakhir Yangnyeom Tongdak alias ayam goreng krispi bumbu asam manis. Ini ceritanya sama kayak daging tadi, khilaf.

My friend's menu is Gyeran Mari, aka eggroll, Japchae, aka fried vermicelli with vegetables. There is food called Japchae in Indonesia. But it's a stirred fried vegetable dish. Hihihi... The name is the same but very different. Tteokpoki aka spicy rice cake which turns out to be really spicy not as sweet as usual. Finally Yangnyeom Tongdak aka sweet and sour crispy fried chicken. This chicken was an accident just like my beef patty earlier.

O iya setelah selesai berburu makanan, kita bisa menuju tempat makan yang berada di lantai 2. Di sana disediakan sendok + sumpit, sup dan nasi. Kita terlanjur menghabiskan koin di bawah jadi nggak ada koin tersisa buat beli nasi. Tapi nggak masalah, makanan yang kita pilih udah banyak dan cukup mengenyangkan. Di sini di sediakan free air putih, bisa sekalian buat isi ulang botol kita. Ini jadi kebiasaan kita setiap habis makan di restoran Korea, air putihnya kita pindah ke botol minum buat bekal di Jalan. Hihihihihi lumayan bisa ngirit. Ingat ya setelah makan, sisa makanan di buang, nampan di tumpuk, sendok+sumpit di kembalikan di tempat yang sudah disediakan. Self service!

After choosing your food, you can go to a place to eat which is on the 2nd floor. There are provided spoons + chopsticks, soup and rice. We have already spent the coins below so there are no coins left to buy rice. But it doesn't matter, the food we choose is a lot and quite filling. Free water is provided here, you can refill our bottles at the same time. This has become our habit after every meal at a Korean restaurant, we transfer the water to a drinking bottle. Remember, after eating, the leftovers are thrown away, the trays are piled up, the spoons and chopsticks are returned to the space provided. Self service!

Petunjuk Arah :
Naik Subway ke Stasiun Anguk exit 6. Jalan lurus kira-kira 100 m lalu belok kiri.

Directions :
Take the Subway to Anguk Station exit 6. Walk straight for about 100 m then turn left.

Lagi - lagi tempat tujuan selanjutnya kami tempuh dengan jalan kaki. Awalnya kita mau cari Bukchon tapi udah muter-muter nanya sana sini nggak ketemu malah ketemunya Insadong. Di sini kita langsung laper mata lihat pernak - pernik segala macem. Akhirnya sekalian nyari titipan temen. Saya beli sumpit besi 7 set + sendoknya seharga 3000 won untuk 1 set, dikasih bonus 1 set. Hehehehe... O iya di sini saya juga nemu toko yang jual tas serba 10.000 won. Akhirnya saya beli 1 yang saya pake kemana-mana selama di Korea. Sayang di sana nggak sempet foto apa-apa soalnya hp udah lowbat.

Again, we reach our next destination on foot. At first, we wanted to look for Bukchon, but after asking around and around, we found Insadong instead. There are all kinds of knick-knacks. So I decided to buy gifts for my friends in here. I bought 7 sets of metal chopsticks + spoons for 3,000 won for 1 set, I was given a bonus for 1 set. Hehehehe... I also found a shop that sells all-type of bags for only 10,000 won . Finally I bought 1 that I used everywhere while in Korea. It's a shame I didn't have time to take pictures there because my cellphone was already lowbat.

Hasil hunting di Insadong / the bagpack that I have bought
Di perjalanan saya melihat ada lambang toilet. Saya di Korea kalo ketemu toilet sama tap water langsung girang banget. Hahaha... Akhirnya kita mampir ke toilet dulu sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan. Kita celingukan nggak keliatan toiletnya padahal jelas-jelas ada tanda toilet. Akhirnya saya nanya ke satpam yang ada di dekat situ. Uhuk... ngetes bahasa Korea lagi. Saya nanya : Hwajangsil Eodieyo? Hwajangsil = Kamar mandi, Eodi = dimana dan seperti saya bilang dipostingan pertama +yo biar lebih sopan karena ngomong sama orang tua :D. Ahjusshi-nya ngeh dan ngasih petunjuk kalau toiletnya ada di bangunan yang ada di belakang saya dan di bawah tanah. Pantes nggak kelihatan. Toiletnya serem banget tapi bersih kok. Habis dari toilet, tak lupa kita bilang terima kasih ke Ahjusshi tadi. Beliau bilang ke saya Hanguk mal jarhae alias bahasa Koreamu bagus. Ah Ahjusshi bisa aja, jadi malu. Hahahaha

On my way I saw a toilet symbol. We decided to stop by the toilet first before continuing our journey. We looked around and couldn't see the toilet even though there was clearly a toilet sign. Finally I asked the security guard who was nearby. And I decided to test my Korean speaking again. I asked: Hwajangsil Eodieyo? Hwajangsil = bathroom, Eodi = where and like I said in the first post +yo to be more polite because you are talking to elderly. The ahjusshi understood what I was saying and gave me instructions that the toilet was in the building behind me and underground. No wonder we can't see it. The toilet was a little bit old and eerie but it was clean. After leaving the toilet, we didn't forget to say thank you to Ahjusshi. He told me Hanguk mal jarhae aka your Korean is good.

Setelah sepanjang hari nyasar dan pegel karena bawaan yang berat, kita memutuskan untuk istirahat sebentar untuk menyusun rencana selanjutnya. Karena suatu hal yang nggak perlu saya jelaskan, kita selama 2 hari ke depan nggak punya tempat untuk tidur. Sambil nyasar-nyasar tadi, kita juga lihat-lihat guesthouse dan ketemunya yang harganya mahal banget.

After getting lost all day and feeling sore due to our heavy luggage, we decided to take a short break to make further plans. Because of something I don't need to explain, we didn't have a place to sleep for the next 2 days. While we were wandering around, we also looked around for guesthouses and found some that were really expensive.

Kita ketemu Cheonggyecheon lagi, saya nggak tahu ini sama kayak yang kita temui di Dongdaemun atau bukan. Sama - sama ada sungai, batu-batuan dan tangga untuk duduk-duduk. Akhirnya kita turun ke bawah, sambil istirahat dan lihat sungai yang jernih kita mencoba menyusun rencana. Kita duduk di sebelah pasangan Ibu-Anak yang juga lagi santai-santai di pinggir sungai. Kaki saya sakit banget pakai sepatu boot ini, mungkin karena nggak pernah saya pakai jadi nggak terbiasa. Saya copot sepatu dan kaos kaki biar kaki saya bisa istirahat. Ibu-Anak tadi langsung ngeliatin saya, dikira saya siap-siap mau berenang kali ya. Hahaha.

We met Cheonggyecheon again, I didn't know if this is the same as the one we met in Dongdaemun or not. There are rivers, rocks and stairs to sit on. Finally we went down, while resting and looking at the crystal clear water we tried to make a plan. We sat next to a mother-daughter couple who were also relaxing by the river. 

Enak banget duduk-duduk di situ. Pikiran jadi seger, efek dari sungai yang bening dan suara air mengalirnya itu ya. Hihihi... Akhirnya kita bisa berpikir jernih dan memikirkan nasib kita malam ini gimana. Akhirnya kita putuskan untuk ke Kimchee Guesthouse, Guesthouse tempat kita menginap 2 hari lagi. Coba tanya kali aja kita bisa check in 2 hari lebih awal. Kalo apes nggak ada kamar kosong, kita masih bisa tidur di sauna seperti semalam dengan resiko jalan-jalan bawa ransel yang berat ini.

It's really nice to sit there. Our mind is refreshed, might be the effect of the clear water and the sound of flowing water which is really relaxing. Finally we can think clearly and think about our fate tonight. Finally we decided to go to Kimchee Guesthouse, the place we had booked but we were supposed to check in 2 days later. Might just try our luck and ask if we can check in 2 days earlier. If no luck, we can still sleep in the sauna like last night with the risk of walking around carrying this heavy backpack.

Di sana kebetulan ada Ibu-Ibu sama suaminya (sok tau) yang karaoke menghibur orang-orang yang lagi duduk-duduk di sana. Kita berdua yang lagi galau juga merasa terhibur. Meskipun nggak ngerti lagunya saya ikut-ikut aja tepuk tangan biar nggak stres. Hihihi...Sepertinya yang dinyanyikan lagu jadul, soalnya Ibu yang sama anaknya tadi ngerti lagunya.

There happened to be a lady and her husband (I guess) doing karaoke to entertain the people who were sitting there. The two of us who were confused also felt comforted. Even though we didn't understand the song, we just clap along to cheer them up. 

Kimchee Sinchon Guesthouse
Petunjuk Arah : Naik subway turun di Stasiun Hongik/Hongdae exit 4. Jalan terus saja. Kalau bertemu toko K2 dan Cafe Bene jadi arah jalannya sudah benar. Perhatikan di seberang jalan ada toko roti bernama "TOUS LES JOURS Bakery", berwarma hijau. Sebrangi jalan dan masuk ke jalan kecil di samping toko roti itu. Perempatan pertama belok kanan, jalan lurus sedikit kemudian belok kanan lagi.

Directions: Take the subway and get off at Hongik/Hongdae Station exit 4. Just keep walking. If you meet the K2 shop and Cafe Bene then the direction is correct. Pay attention across the street there is a bakery called "TOUS LES JOURS Bakery", the store is green. Cross the street and enter the small street next to the bakery. At the first intersection, turn right, go straight a little bit then turn right again.

Peta menuju Kimchee Sinchon Guesthouse / Map to Kimchee Sinchon Guesthouse
Alhamdulillah di Kimchee Sinchon Guesthouse ada kamar kosong, jadi kita bisa check in lebih awal. Kabar baiknya lagi, kamar kita di upgrade dari dorm female 8 beds jadi yang 6 beds tanpa biaya tambahan. Selama di Seoul kami nginep di sini. O iya sekalian saya ulas tentang Kimchi Sinchon Guesthouse.

Alhamdulillah, Kimchee Sinchon Guesthouse had an empty room, so we could check in early. The good news is, our room was upgraded from an 8-bed female dorm to a 6-bed female dorm with no additional charge. I will also review Kimchi Sinchon Guesthouse.

Kelebihan :
  1. Cukup murah, per malam 11.000 won
  2. Ada fasilitas air panas
  3. Ada dapur dengan fasilitas lengkap kompor, alat makan, microwave, dispenser
  4. Free Wifi
  5. Free sampo + sabun
  6. Free pinjam handuk, boleh minta ganti baru tiap hari
  7. Free pinjam sandal
  8. Free air minum
  9. Free loker
  10. Ada fasilitas laundry (bayar)
  11. Dekat convenient store, toko roti, dll
Kekurangan :
  1. Tanpa sarapan
  2. Loker tidak dilengkapi gembok, saya sarankan kalau mau nginep di sini bawa gembok dari Indonesia karena lebih murah. Tapi pengalaman kemarin aman-aman saja nggak saya gembok. Waktu jalan-jalan, uang dan paspor semua selalu saya bawa. Kalau tidur, barang-barang berharga saya keloni Hahaha
  3. Jarak dari subway terdekat lumayan sekitar 10 menit jalan kaki. Keliatannya 10 menit deket ya?? Tapi kalau barang bawaannya banyak dan berat baru kerasa kalau jauh.
  4. Staf kurang ramah, kecuali bagian front officenya sangat ramah, Minwook dan Martin.
(+) :
1. Cheap, 11,000 won per night 
2. There is hot shower
3. There is a kitchen with complete facilities such as stove, cutlery, microwave, dispenser
3. Free Wifi
4. Free shampoo + body soap
5. Free to borrow towels, you can ask for a new one every day
6. Free to borrow sandals
7. Free drinking water
8. Free locker
9. There are laundry facilities (additional charge)
10. Near convenient store, bakery, etc

(-) :
1. No breakfast available
2. The lockers are not equipped with padlocks, I suggest that if you want to stay here, bring a padlock from Indonesia because it is cheaper. But from my own experience it was safe though I didn't lock it. I always brought my money and my passport with me whenever I'm out. When I sleep, I kept my valuable stuffs close to my head. Hahaha
3. The distance from the nearest subway is around 10 minutes on foot. 10 minutes seem quite close, right? But if you have a lot of luggage and it's heavy, you'll realize it's a really hard work.
4. The staff is not that friendly, except for front office gentlemen, Minwook and Martin.

Overall menurut saya recomended. Setelah bongkar-bongkar isi tas, istirahat sebentar dan mandi... saatnya melanjutkan jalan-jalan lagi. Kamar yang saya tempati full. Roommate saya 1 orang Inggris, 1 orang Kanada yang 2 orang Prancis.

Overall, in my opinion, it is recommended. After unpacking my stuffs, taking a short break and showering... it's time to continue walking again. The room I stayed in was full. My roommates are 1 British, 1 Canadian and 2 French.

Namsan Tower
Ada 2 cara menuju Namsan Tower, pertama naik bis yang kedua naik kereta gantung.

There are 2 ways to get to Namsan Tower, first by bus and second by cable car.

Petunjuk Arah : 
Naik Bus : Naik Subway menuju Stasiun Myeongdong exit 3 kemudian naik bis warna kuning (bis no 5). Lama perjalanan 30 menit, biaya 850 won
Naik Kereta Gantung :Naik Subway menuju Stasiun Myeondong exit 6. Ikuti jalan yang berada disisi kanan Pacific Hotel. Lama perjalanan 8 menit, biaya 17.000 won PP untuk 2 orang.

Directions :
By Bus: Take the Subway to Myeongdong Station exit 3 then take the yellow bus (bus no. 5). Travel time 30 minutes, cost 850 won
Take the Cable Car: Take the Subway to Myeondong Station exit 6. Follow the road to the right of Pacific Hotel. Travel time 8 minutes, cost 17,000 won PP for 2 people.
Tiket PP Kereta Gantung menuju Namsan Tower / Cable Car Return Ticket to Namsan Tower
Pilihan kami jatuh pada kereta gantung. Nggak ding, jadi kita rencananya naik bis biar ngirit tapi petunjuk arah yang saya baca yang menuju tempat naik kereta gantung. Wkwkwkw.. ya udah akhirnya naik kereta gantung. Lagian kapan lagi naik kereta gantung. Apesnya kita ke sana pas malam minggu, selain banyak pasangan bertebaran dimana - mana yang bikin kita ngenes, antrian naik kereta gantungnya pun puanjang banget. Kita antri sekitar 2 jam an untuk naik kereta gantung yang nggak sampe 10 menit. 

We decided to ride cable car. At first, we planned to take the bus to save money but I read the directions to the cable car ride instead. LOL. Besides, I never ride one before so it will be a new experience for me. Unfortunately, we went there on a Saturday night so the queue for the cable car ride was really long. We queued for around 2 hours to get on the cable car ride which didn't take more than 10 minutes.

Namsan Tower
Sampai atas sana bener - bener dingin banget. Selain memang suhunya dingin, anginnya juga kenceng banget. Apalagi kita nggak bawa jaket. Brrr..... langsung menggigil. Setelah naik kereta gantung, kita masih harus naik tangga yang lumayan menguras tenaga, apalagi kita tadi udah capek diawal karena antrian naik kereta gantung yang 2 jam tadi. Saya ngeri liat antrian kereta gantung untuk turun dari Namsan Tower, nggak kalah panjang dengan antrian yang tadi. Brace yourself....

Up there it was really cold. Apart from the low temperature, the wind was also very strong. Moreover, we didn't bring jackets. After taking the cable car, we still had to climb the stairs which was quite tiring, especially since we were already tired from the beginning because of the 2 hour queue for the cable car. I was horrified to see the queue for the cable car to get down from Namsan Tower. Brace yourself....

Pemandangan dari atas / View from above
Gembok cinta di Namsan Tower / Love locks at Namsan Tower

Selamat datang di Myeongdong, surganya kosmetik / Welcome to Myeongdong, a paradise for cosmetics
Sebenarnya kaki udah gempor, capek banget. Tapi berhubung masih di area Myeongdong, akhirnya saya sekalian beli titipan kosmetik dari temen. O iya setelah turun kereta gantung, kita melihat ada banyak orang yang ngantri di semacam lift. Akhirnya kita ikutan ngantri juga. Ternyata ini bukan lift biasa melainkan Namsan Oreumi Elevator. Saya tergoda untuk naik karena gratis.

Actually, my legs were killing me and I was really tired. But since I was still in the Myeongdong area, It would be a shame not to stop by to shop. So I ended up buying cosmetics for my friends. After getting off the cable car, we saw that there were many people queuing in front f some kind of small elevator. Finally we joined in the queue too. It turns out that this is not an ordinary elevator but the Namsan Oreumi Elevator. I was tempted to try it since it was free.

Penampakan Namsan Oreumi Elevator / Namsan Oreumi Elevator
Sampai di Myeongdong langsung buka catetan lecek list titipan dan mulai berburu. Selain kosmetik, di Myeondong banyak juga yang jual jajanan. Di sini saya nemu oden yang kuahnya ditambahkan taoge, rasanya enak banget. Belanjaan udah dan perutpun juga udah kenyang, saatnya siap - siap pulang. Eh pas lewat di depan salah satu konter Nature Republic ada promo Nature Republic Aloe Vera Soothing Gel, 8000 won dapet 2. Jadi 1 harganya cuma Rp. 52.000 padahal di onlen shop masih 75rban dan saya lihat di Malang harganya sekitar 3x lipat. WOW. Akhirnya kita beli. Saya udah lama banget pengen beli produk ini dan mumpung murah, tanpa ongkir lg. Hihihihi... 

Apart from cosmetics, there are also many people selling snacks in Myeondong. Here I found oden with bean sprouts added to the sauce, it tastes really delicious. When I passed in front of one of the Nature Republic counters there was a promotion for Nature Republic Aloe Vera Soothing Gel, 8000 won and get 2. So 1 only costs IDR. 52,000 even though in online shops it's still 75 thousand and I saw in Malang the price was around 3x as much. WOW. Finally we bought it. I've been wanting to buy this product for a long time.

Selama nyasar nyari Bukchon Hanok Village, saya menemui tempat yang cukup ramai dikunjungi wisatawan tapi saya nggak tahu tempat itu namanya apa. Saya baca itinerary blogger lainnya dan banyak yang saat mengunjungi Bukchon Hanok Village juga mengunjungi Samcheongdong dan Insadong karena tempat wisata tersebut berdekatan dengan Bukchon Hanok Village. Saya baru menyadari tempat saya membeli tas itu adalah Insadong setelah saya lihat - lihat fotonya di google. Saya juga sempat melewati pertokoan dengan arsitektur unyu2 yang saya nggak tau namanya... mungkin itu Samcheongdong tapi entahlah saya nggak yakin. Hihihi. Sekian perjalanan saya di hari ke-2 di Korea, postingan selanjutnya adalah cerita saya yang akhirnya menemukan Bukchon Hanok Village setelah gagal mencari di hari ke-2 >.<

While wandering around looking for Bukchon Hanok Village, I came across a place that was quite busy with tourists but I didn't know what the name of the place was. I read other bloggers' itineraries and many of them, when visiting Bukchon Hanok Village, also visited Samcheongdong and Insadong because these tourist attractions are close to Bukchon Hanok Village. I only realized the place where I bought the bag was Insadong after I looked at the photo on Google. I also passed a shop with a unique architecture whose name I didnt't know... maybe it was Samcheongdong but I'm not sure. That's all my trip on the 2nd day in Korea, the next post is my story of finally finding Bukchon Hanok Village after failing to search on the 2nd day >.<


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